As with the last post, this uses a Google Home speaker, If This Then That and a Raspberry Pi to allow voice control of something. This time it’s a Kodi media player. Continue reading “Controlling Kodi with Google Home”
Google Home Controlling a Raspberry Pi
I’ve just got a Google Home Mini speaker thingy and have figured out a relatively simple way to have it send commands to a Raspberry Pi when you say certain phrases to it. The phrases can contain parameters to be sent to the Pi too. There are probably other ways to do this, but this way is fairly easy. Continue reading “Google Home Controlling a Raspberry Pi”
Working out what not to work out.
Call me strange, but one day I looked at our two block calendar and thought what numbers must be on the two blocks for this calendar to work. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t come up with two blocks of 6 numbers that could be used to show all numbers from 01 to 31. So I did what any computer programmer would. I simulated it in software. Read on for the surprise outcome.
Really Simple Raspberry Pi Logic Analyser (Digital Oscilloscope)
The source here is an extremely simple 2 channel Logic Analyser. It shows two digital signals like an oscilloscope would, but its extremely simple and easily extendable.
Continue reading “Really Simple Raspberry Pi Logic Analyser (Digital Oscilloscope)”
Scratch Ultrasound Room Scanner
I’ve discussed driving a stepper motor and ultrasonic distance sensor in previous posts. In this one, I’ll bring it all together and outline the Scratch based ultrasonic room scanner. Continue reading “Scratch Ultrasound Room Scanner”
Raspberry Pi Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Scratch (Kind of)
Back in part one, I described a project involving an ultrasonic distance sensor mounted on a stepper motor, all controlled with Scratch on a Raspberry Pi. Here, I’ll describe the sensor.
Continue reading “Raspberry Pi Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Scratch (Kind of)”
Raspberry Pi Scratch Stepper Motor Control.
A few days ago I created a project in Scratch on a Raspberry Pi 3. The plan was to mount an ultrasonic distance sensor on a stepper motor and have it scan the room drawing a picture of the room as it went. In this part, I’ll talk about the stepper motor and how it’s controlled.
Continue reading “Raspberry Pi Scratch Stepper Motor Control.”